AC MAX (en)
[AC-MAX] Integration of license plate recognition in AC-MAX.
AC-MAX allows us to open barriers by means of license plate recognition. For integration it is necessary to install special IP cameras with local license plate recognition and wiegand-26 output with SHA-1 protocol. The wiegand output of the camera is ...
[AC-MAX] 5223 5224 I can't synchronise the control unit and I get the following error.
Error that appears in the synchronisation when the little arrow at the bottom right is displayed. Processing configuration: Error Most likely, changes to the low-level controller configuration have been detected. Please try to run the controller ...
[AC-MAX] 5223 5224 Incompatibility between controller versions V. and V.
This does not occur in new construction as central controllers are not mixed. It only happens if we have to replace a defective controller or extend an existing installation with V. controllers. We have to take the following into account: ...
[AC-MAX] 5223 5224 Reset factory defaults AC-MAX 2/4-door kits
For point 7 1º Install AC-MAX HW 2º Connect to the control panel normally v1.7 without password (without the communication key, as it will no longer have a password when reset). 3º From Tools - establish the communication key 1234, 1234 and check. 4º ...
[AC-MAX LT] Why does the software tell me that the fingerprint identifier already exists if I have deleted the user?
In AC-MAX LT by entering the user panel. I can delete the users with two types of DELETE icon, one red and one black. By deleting in red we can move the cards to the card store but the fingerprint will remain in the database and will not allow us to ...
[AC-MAX] Differences between the RED and BLACK user clear icons in AC-MAX LT and AC-MAX ST software.
In AC-MAX LT entering the user panel. I can delete the users with two types of DELETE icon, one red and one black. When deleting in red we can move the cards to the card store but the fingerprint will remain in the database and will not allow us to ...
[AC-MAX ST] Can I restore a deleted user with RED button?
In AC-MAX ST we can restore a deleted person using the icon red of deleted people in ST but not in AC-MAX LT. When deleting the user with the red icon, the user is deleted but not his identifiers or records. If we delete in red we can later see the ...
[AC-MAX] Are CCTV RTSP cameras supported on AC-MAX?
Yes, from the version of AC-MAX V2.0. In version V1.6.2, RTSP cameras are not compatible. The following table specifies the compatible models.
[AC-MAX] Can I see events with images from the CCTV camera either by intrusion or by access to a reader?
Yes, since it can be associated with the status of a door or an entry or exit point.
[AC-MAX] Are AC-MAX controllers powered by PoE?
No, since they have their own power supply inside the AC-MAX CONTROLLER KIT. If the switches are PoE, they are compatible and work correctly, since they will not supply power to the kit.
[AC-MAX] ¿[AC-MAX] Can we also offer the switches to connect the control panels and fingerprint readers to the ethernet network?
Yes, Fermax has the references 1586 IP SWITCH 4 PoE PORTS and 1587 IP SWITCH 8 PoE PORTS. One socket or port must be counted for each existing control unit and each 5225 fingerprint reader that we have in the installation.
[AC-MAX] How many cables do I need to wire both the reader and the door at controller?
If the door has both a lock release, an exit pushbutton and a door contact installed, I will need 2 wires for the lock release and 3 wires for the exit pushbutton as the door contact since one of them is the common of the two tickets. Lock release= 2 ...
[AC-MAX] What do I have to take into account when I want to control the capacity or occupation of a particular area?
That there must be both an entrance reader and an exit reader in the installation, both on the same door and on different doors.
[AC-MAX] If the controller has no connection to the PC, can it continue to work?
Yes, since once each controller has been synchronized with the software and has been configured, it is the one that makes all the decisions with the readers connected to it and its expanders. Each controller can manage up to 8,192 credentials and ...
[AC-MAX] What maximum distance can I have between the furthest reader and the controller if it is fingerprint or wiegand?
If the reader is an AC-MAX fingerprint reader ref. 5225 this reader is connected to the controller by RS-485, therefore up to 1200m, but additionally, it must be considered that it is also connected by Ethernet, therefore it will have to have a ...
[AC-MAX] 5224Can I connect two doors with entry and exit fingerprints and another 2 doors with Wiegand entry and exit reader in a 4-door control panel?
Yes, since different types of readers can be combined in the control panel and it is also within the wiegand reader connection limit, which is up to 4.
[AC-MAX] 5223-5224 Do I need a 4420 ACPLUS door controller to connect a wiegand reader to AC-MAX kit?
Not since the 4420 is exclusive to the ACPlus system and is not compatible with AC-MAX. In addition, AC-MAX allows the direct connection of the wiegand readers up to 4 readers per control unit with 2 or 4 doors.
[AC-MAX] 5224 Up to how many Amps does the source of the 4-door kit allow?
Up to 5.4 Amps.
[AC-MAX] 5223 Up to how many Amps does the source of the 2-door kit allow?
3.6 Amps
[AC-MAX] What do I do if the metal boxes do not fit in my location?
The circuits are on a DIN rail, therefore we could place them in another accommodation on a DIN rail or other types of registers. The source is bolted to the box so the location of the transformer should be found elsewhere.
[AC-MAX] What are the dimensions of the metal boxes of the 2 and 4 door controllers?
Dimensions Controller 2 doors AC-MAX ref. 5223: 295(V) x 285(H) x 90(D)mm Dimensions Controller 4 doors AC-MAX ref. 5224: 325(V) x 305(H) x 100(D)mm
[AC-MAX] What is a wiegand reader?
It is a reader that allows direct connection with our controllers since it speaks with a standardized protocol compatible with our controller. To these readers we must connect 2 power supply wires + - Vcc in direct current, 2 data wires D0, D1 and 1 ...
[AC-MAX] 5224 What source do I need to power the 4-door kit?
No source is required as it is included in the kit.
[AC-MAX] What do I need if I have 3 doors, one with an entry and exit fingerprint reader and the other two doors with an entry and exit wiegand keyboard example ref. 5293 RESISTANT KEYBOARD?
1-5224 CONTROLLER 4 DOORS AC-MAX 2-5225 AC-MAX FINGER READERS 4-5293 RESISTANT KEYBOARDS 3-67501 LOCK RELEASE 990N-P22 1-2337 BATTERY (OPTIONAL) 1-52750 MIFARE CARD (choose the necessary ones) 1-52740 MIFARE KEY RING (choose the necessary ones)
[AC-MAX] Do we have 5 door drivers?
Not just 2 or 4 doors so what is budgeted is a combination of both 1-5223 (a two door) and 1-5224 (a four door). So I would connect the 5 doors.
[AC-MAX] 5223 5224 Can I mix different types of readers in the same door kit?
Yes, they can be fingerprint, card, keyboard or RF type.
[AC-MAX] 5225 What IP (protection index) does the AC-MAX fingerprint reader?
The AC-MAX fingerprint reader is IP43 (indoors) but if you want to install it outdoors you can do so as long as it is protected.
[AC-MAX] 5225 Do we have a desktop reader to register fingerprints in AC-MAX?
There is no exclusive reference for that. It is possible to use the same reference 5225 FPAC-MAX FINGERPRINT READER as our fingerprint reader by adding a 4813 source so that it can be installed next to the PC where the AC-MAX software is for ...
[AC-MAX] What do the colors of the identifiers in the general catalog mean?
Identifies the communication protocol between the card and the reader, it being necessary for the reader to allow the reading of this type of identifier. MIFARE (Classic 13.56MHz), EM (Electro Marine 125KHz) or HID (ISOProx II 125KHz)
[AC-MAX] Is an EM card compatible with a MIFARE reader?
Not since they don't speak the same language. They do not use the same frequency or communication protocol between the reader and the identifier. There are multi-protocol readers, such as the RESISTANT reader, that can read multiple protocols.
[AC-MAX] Is my 5204 AC-MAX USB reader compatible with DESFIRE identifiers?
No, since the USB reader, just like a RESISTANT would do, only reads the UID of the card, not the code encrypted in the identifier. In the case of DESFIRE identifiers, we can only register the identifiers in AC-MAX either manually with the serigraphy ...
[AC-MAX ST] How to export users to excel indicating the identifiers in hexadecimal.
Below are the steps on how to export users indicating the proximity identifiers (Authentication Factor) in hexadecimal: 1º Open the AC-MAX ST application. 2º Go to System-Export 3º The following window will appear, click on Next 4º Next 5º In ...