[USERPLUS SOFT] 5258 Programming palette was disconected.
Due to a Windows update on 22 June 2023, the program does not recognise the programmer.
From that moment on, the software indicated that the programming palette was disconnected.
Having the USB of the User-Plus programming palette connected.
If the software shows the programm as disconnected
even though it is connected to the computer.And into the software indicator t is grey instead of blue
The following steps must be done to solve this problem:
1. Download the attached file:
https://cdn.jcm-tech.com/downloads/zip/SoftTRAINER-v21.zip2. Close Soft User-Plus
3. Go to C:\ProgramFiles(x86)\Soft-UserPlus\release
4. Replace the downloaded file (ftd2xxdll) in the current folder.
5. Open Soft User-Plus and verify that the Assistant Panel is recognised.
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