How do I answer a call with the app on iOS?

How do I answer a call with the app on iOS?

Incoming calls from DuoxMe are received as a regular call, perfectly integrated in the user interface with native views and melody that you had configured for incoming calls at phone level (with CallKit, in order to improve both security and user experience).

The call will appear with the same name that you would have configured for your home (for example, "My home") and with "DuoxMe video" as detail:

In order to answer the call:

• If the smartphone locked, you will first need to accept it and unlock the smartphone. Then, press the DuoxMe icon and pick up the call in the app (green button). You need to open the app to establish video and audio communication. 

• If the smartphone is unlocked, the call will appear minimised and after accepting it, the app will open automatically.
For any further information, please contact our support team through the app in Settings > My account > Contact Fermax

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