[AC-MAX LT] Why does the software tell me that the fingerprint identifier already exists if I have deleted the user?

[AC-MAX LT] Why does the software tell me that the fingerprint identifier already exists if I have deleted the user?

In AC-MAX LT by entering the user panel. I can delete the users with two types of DELETE icon, one red and one black.

By deleting in red we can move the cards to the card store but the fingerprint will remain in the database and will not allow us to register the same fingerprint again. The records of that user remain.
In AC-MAX LT we cannot restore the deleted persons using the RED button.

When deleting in black we delete all the user's data including their identifiers and records.

In AC-MAX ST we do have the deleted persons icon in LT we do not.

 Deleting in red deletes the user but not their identifiers or records.

 Deleting in black deletes their records and credentials with identifiers.

If we delete in red we can later see the deleted Persons and restore them to delete them if we want to delete them completely with black.


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