[AC-MAX] How many cables do I need to wire both the reader and the door at controller?

[AC-MAX] How many cables do I need to wire both the reader and the door at controller?

If the door has both a lock release, an exit pushbutton and a door contact installed, I will need 2 wires for the lock release and 3 wires for the exit pushbutton as the door contact since one of them is the common of the two tickets.

Lock release= 2 wires (VDR+, LCK)

Exit button= 2 wires (VDR-, DR)

Door contact or sensor= 2 wires (VDR-, DC)

The wiegan reader will always receive 2 power wires, 2 for data and 1 for led or buzzer control. If I have too many outputs in the controller even to control 1 wire for led and another for buzzer.

Reader+LED control = 4+1= 5 wires

Reader+LED control + BUZZER control=4+1+1=6 wires

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