[AC-MAX] 5223 5224 Incompatibility between controller versions V. and V.
This does not occur in new construction as central controllers are not mixed.
It only happens if we have to replace a defective controller or extend an existing installation with V. controllers.
We have to take the following into account:
Main symptom:
When adding new drives to an existing project the following synchronisation error occurs.
Timeout during synchronisation.
Units with Firmware VERSION that include a new licence type cannot be synchronised with existing units VERSION with old licence type.
Downgrade the license version (to do this you will have to indicate the MAC address of the affected AC-MAX CU central controllers and contact us to
acmaxmb@fermax.com to inform them internally and provide them with a new license file and then downgrade the firmware from VERSION to VERSION
If you downgrade only the firmware, before the new license, the controller will crash and become unresponsive.
So it is important to follow the correct order.
Licenses are created manually with the MAC address.
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